In the car on the way to the pool:
Emma: Mom I know what I want to be when I grow up.
Mom: Ya Em what is that?
Em: One of those girls that have a whistle at the pool.
Mom: A lifeguard?
Em: Ya a lifegaurd. I can have a whistle, and Steve can have a whistle.
Mom: So Steve is going to be one too?
Em: Ya. Mom when is he comming home?
Mom: Today Em.
Em: Where is he right now?
Mom: I don't know Em, maybe driving?
Em: He will call me when he is on his way.
Later that day............. the phone rings.
Mom: Emma, Steve is on the phone.
Em: Steve is that you! OH my gosh i'v been waiting for you where are you?
Em: Are you sleeping over tommorrow?
Em: The Joker ? Who is he? I don't know him?
Em: NO NO NO !!! You are sleeping over!
Em: Yes, ok you make the signs to get to the party so my Dad does not get lost.
Em: I love you too!
Mom : Did you guys figure it all out?
Em: Ya. He is going to have a party with me tomorrow and see the Joker or Batman on Wednesday.
I love those two!!! We had a pretty Quiet weekend. We were mostly at the pool , but we had time for washing the car with Daddy and making s'mores at cooking class. Emma also slept over Memere and Papa's and had a wonderful time, and Pat and I had some time to ourselves. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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