Mom: Emma it is time to get out of bed it is 9:30.
Em: Mom what are we doing today?
Mom: Nothing honey, today is a home day.
Em:WHAT!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO! I hate home days they are sooooo boring!!!
Call Memere and Pop they will come and get me.
Mom: No honey they have to work.
Em: Ohhhhhhh! What about Auntie Tracy and Uncle Frank?
Mom: They are also at work Emma please get up. I put 3 outfits on the bed for you to choose from.
Em: ( Sticking her finger out from under the covers) UGLY! UGLY UGLY!!!!
Where is Azi?
Mom: With Azi Loretta at the doctor. Get up and get dressed.
EM: OHHHHHHH!! I hate home days!!! Why can't they all go to the bank and get money!?
Where is Elena and Steve?
Mom: With Auntie at work. Do you want to do something fun?
Em: Like what?
Mom: Paint or color or playdoh?
Em: Teeeheeheeee!
Mom: What is so funny?
Em: I'm not wearing any clothes! I am naked!
Mom: Em put some clothes on !!Lets Go!!!
Em:Ugggggg! But I want to sleep all day and night.
Mom: What if we make some cookies today?
Em: Can I put m&m's in them?
Mom: SURE!!!
Em: Ok mommy. But I am NOT brushing my hair!!!!!!!
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