Today was definatly a challenging day. Emma was just not in a good mood. She woke up really crabby and just did not want anything to do with me. So, when Steve showed up this morning I thought, ok maybe now she will be happy. She perked up but still was not herself. When she got off the bus from summer school she was ready to have a party. Elena, Steve, and Emma have been doing this ever since i can remember. Elena is in charge of organizing the party, Emma is on decoration duty ( pink and green toilet pater streamers), and Steve is the chef and sign maker.
They also come up with a set of music, serve the food, and dance for us. It is usually pretty fun and pretty funny. Today was not. Everything was going well until Emma grabbed Stevie's microphone. That was it the fight was on. I was just about to take a picture of the two of them when it started and you will know when you see it. It was a bad one. Emma crossed his name off the guest list, and Stevie told her that today Em is not his best friend. That set her over and she ran to her room and cried. Finally about an hour later we were getting ready to go to the pool. I was putting sun screen on Em and by accident I hit her port.
Emma: Owwww Mommy!!!!!!!!
Mom: Sorry Em.
Stevie: Auntie watch out!! You know that really hurts her!!
He walked over and hugged her, and she hugged him back.
Em: Thanks Steve.
Stevie: Sorry I yelled at you Auntie.
Mom: It's ok Steve.
The fight was over and the rest of the day turned out to be pretty good. Tomorrow we are off to the Book Nook at the Watertown Library to see what kind of books we can find for cheap. Emma hopes to find some Fancy Nancy or Curious George, and Steve wants a book that shows the inside of the human body. Hopefully we find both!
1 comment:
Too funny....just goes to show that no matter what, Stevie's got Em;s back. They are so cute.
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