On Friday, Emma was not feeling well so I kept her home from school. She had a low grade fever and a terrible cough (that she still has) so I thought it would be best if she stayed home and slept all day. And that she did. On Saturday I woke up with it and felt really sick. Runny nose, cough, chest hurts, ears hurt, I called the doctor yesterday. Ear infections and the beginnings of bronchitis!! So I have to stay away from my Lady. What that means is Daddy time!!! At first everything was going well as usual, but yesterday they were getting on each others nerves, and Emma got yelled at for not listening. That was when she retreated to the tunnel. What the tunnel is is a place where Dad and Mom can't get to her. Its a small space between the two couches. She goes there to get away form everything. Sometimes she goes there to read, and other times when she is angry. Last night it was because she was very angry!
Mom: Emma what is the matter?
Em: (crying) Daddy yelled at me!!!! He said that I was not listening!!
Mom: Come out here and lets talk about it with Dad.
Em: NO!!! If he comes near my tunnel I will pinch him!!!!
Dad: Emma come out!
Em: No!!! I live in here now!!Go away!!!Your to big to fit in here!!!
Mom: Emma please come out here. Do you need a tissue?
Em: Yes Mommy I do, and make him go away!
Dad: Emma how are you going to go to school if you are going to live in there? Or eat, or play, or do anything? Please come out.
She came out and kissed her Dad. I wonder where she will go when she out grows the tunnel?
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