Soon... she won't need me at all . LOL...I guess I'm having some growing pains. LOL
In the past two weeks she has grown out of all of her pants and most of her shirts. I am thinking that soon she will be as tall ans I am . So.... we will be hitting up the mall this weekend for some clothes! We also will be going to the uniform store for a Brownie vest..how time flies!!
Ohhh, I know, they grow up too fast for us sometimes....I definitely understand having growing pains myself! :D She's such a big girl...so beautiful.
Yes, we are off to JC Penny's tonight...wish me luck!! Emma does NOT like to try on clothes. Once we were in the dressing room and she complained so much that when I came out a woman said to me , " God bless you , you have a lot of patience.", Ha Ha ...maybe it will go better this time!!
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