For the past three years we have been going to the Kids 4 Kids family day at Quassy Amusement Park . At first I thought that It might rain , but we made it through the day with not one rain drop !! When I was a little girl my uncle used to take me out of school early some days and we would go there and ride the rides . My favorite thing to do was ride the train with him . If you live in this area then you know what to do when you go thru the tunnel when you're on the train....SCREAM AS LOUD AS YOU CAN !!! Every time I do it I think of my uncle. This pic is for you UZI !
It's hard to believe that the summer is over. Back to school on Monday !!! Here are some pics from our summer vacation. Some are on the beach, some are in the house, and some are from GG's party....ENJOY !